An Employment Pass is required for foreign (i.e. non-Singaporean) professionals across all nationalities and citizenships who:
- Have a job offer in Singapore
- Work in a managerial, executive, or specialised job role
- Have acceptable qualifications (usually good university degree and above), professional qualifications, or specialised skills
- Earn a fixed monthly salary comparable to the top one-third of the local PMET workforce by age
As part of the Employment Pass application, and with effect from 01 September 2023, all employers must ensure that where an individual’s educational qualifications (diploma level and above) contribute to the application, such awards are authentic, and have also been issued by an accredited institution. Where an institution (university/professional accreditation body) is not pre-accredited by MOM, then an approved background screening provider (i.e. only those providers who are listed on the MOM website) must perform an accreditation check on the institution, as well as verifying the award.
With effect from 01 September 2023, Vero Screening Pte Limited trading as Accurate is authorised by MOM to:
- Verify qualifications are legitimate and authentic; and
- Verify that the qualification has been issued by an accredited institution
The verification requirement for renewal of existing Employment Passes which were not previously assessed under COMPASS will be implemented from 01 September 2024.

Let’s get started
If you are an existing Client who requires accreditation and verification checks as part of Employment Pass, please contact your Client Relationship Manager.
Alternatively, if you do not currently use Accurate for employment screening services but wish for us to carry out verifications in volumes of 25+ per year as part of an Employment Pass application, please contact