Continuous Monitoring (Background Screening)
Background checks help employers hire the right candidate and help applicants find the right fit. But when background checks are only conducted at the point of hire or at set intervals, there's room for trouble. With continuous monitoring, businesses have better peace of mind knowing their employees are safe. FULL TRANSCRIPT: It’s common for organizations of all sizes to conduct background checks as part of the recruitment and hiring process. But, for many, that process is a one-and-done event occurring at the point of hire. However, the need for screening doesn’t end once an employee starts their job. Continuous monitoring focuses primarily on criminal checks. Has an employee committed a crime that could put your other employees, your customers, or your company at risk? Continuous monitoring: • Create a safe environment for employees, contractors, and customers • Protect company reputation and brand • Reduce the risk of negligent retention Continuous monitoring alerts employers when troublesome events occur. Employers receive alerts for all incidents. Background check compliance is just as important with continuous monitoring as it is for pre-employment checks. Employers must follow all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations impacting the type of background checks they conduct, how they’re conducted and how that information is used. FCRA regulations relate to many types of background checks including criminal records, driving records, credit checks, and drug tests. The more people you employ and the broader the geographic scope of your company footprint, the more complex this process can become. Complexity takes time. Time that employers today don’t have the luxury for. The labor market is tough. Competition is high. You want to make sure you’re hiring the right candidates, but also that you’re only keeping the right candidates on board. We can help. Reach out to Accurate today to learn how we can help you implement a continuous background check program to protect your company. Thank you for watching this video. To learn more about Accurate Background and the services we offer, consider one of the other videos on your screen. And don’t forget to click the subscribe button for more great video content.