Picture of Cristian Flores

Cristian Flores

Communication and Culture Make a Perfect Fit

Cristian Flores recalls interviewing for a job with Accurate about seven years ago and being asked what he felt was the number one most important thing to him in a company. His answer: “communication.”

He was hired on the spot.

Cristian had heard about the job opportunity from his best friend who worked for Accurate. She told him she thought the job would be a good fit and that the pay, benefits, work experience and environment were all great.

She was right.

From Public Records Researcher to Team Lead

Over the seven years Cristian has been with Accurate he’s been fortunate to gain experience in a number of roles, starting as a public records researcher. “Basically each year I’ve moved on to new positions which in my opinion was a good thing because a lot of people saw something in me,” he says.

He’s appreciated the opportunities and the experience he’s gained, as well as the mentors he’s had along the way. And, he says, the opportunities continue to grow. It’s an environment that has nurtured his natural curiosity and commitment to strong communication and service.

A Culture That’s Real—And Really Resonates

Accurate’s culture is built on four core values pillars that unify the company with a common purpose, define where they’re headed, indicate what they’ll do to get there, what they believe in, and how they will behave with each other and their customers. They are:

  • Take ownership: be accountable for your actions, your team, and the company.
  • Be open: be open to new ideas.
  • Stay curious: stay curious even as you move forward.
  • Work as one: work together to create the best customer and workplace experience.

Not surprisingly, “stay curious” is the core value that resonates most with Cristian. “I’m always asking questions like: “How can I make the client happy?,” or “How can I help my team evolve to where they need to be?”

Cristian encourages his team members to ask questions too. Staying curious is what he believes has helped him to excel at Accurate and what can also help his team members excel.

Building a Team

The opportunity to build and lead a team at Accurate has been especially gratifying and rewarding, says Cristian. His efforts haven’t gone unnoticed. He says it’s not uncommon for him to get feedback about the big impact his team has made. That impact, he says, will continue to drive him to “build this team better and stronger than it was before.” And, he says, his managers have been fully supportive of his efforts and have encouraged him to do whatever it takes to make the team better and stronger and to continue its positive impact on the company.

The Pandemic Experience—Surviving and Thriving Together

The pandemic had an impact on Accurate as it did on countless other companies, but Cristian notes that the company handled the situation very, very well.

During the pandemic, he says, it was clear that Accurate cared about the health and the wellbeing of its staff members, encouraging them to take time to see the doctor if they needed to, or to continue to work from home if that’s what was best for them and their families.

That, he says, is another reason he’s committed to the company. “They understand what it’s like in the real world. They understand their employees and made sure that they can continue to work, whether it’s remote or in an office.”

It’s that kind of commitment that keeps employees like Cristian on board and keeps them actively encouraging others to join the team, just as Cristian’s best friend did several years ago. Cristian, himself, has encouraged several friends to come to work with Accurate.

Looking ahead, he says, he’s eager to continue in his role with his current team and see how successful they can become.