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Integrated Background Checks: A Hiring Advantage

Date Published: October 08, 2020 | Last Updated: February 20, 2024 | By Jeramy Gordon

HR professionals often receive hundreds of resumes for a single job posting. The way people apply for jobs has also changed. Submitting a resume and filling out information online is quick and easy, so even a candidate lacking the skills for a specific task will throw a hat in the ring – after all, it’s only a few minutes to submit the information. What do they have to lose?

Your applicant tracking system (ATS) helps you manage all the information you need about job postings and candidates. The ATS puts job postings, marketing, resume importing, and candidate tracking at your fingertips in one simple repository. The best ATS systems allow you to access all this information and more at your desk or on the go; today’s HR professionals need to make hiring decisions anytime and anywhere.

Your challenge is finding the candidate that’s the best fit. To get the information you need to make an informed decision, you rely on your ATS and a background screening service. Separately, these are two powerful tools that point you in the direction of a great candidate. But you can increase your efficiency, reduce time-to-hire, and streamline the process by integrating your ATS with your background check solution.

The Problem: Background Checks, a Hiccup in Your Process

After investing significant time refining your ATS to support your talent acquisition strategy, you may have significantly successfully eliminated redundancies and streamlined data streams. However, there is a critical aspect of the hiring process that often is overlooked in the onboarding platform workflow: pre-employment background screenings. While background checks have become the norm, it is important to note that if you are managing your background checks outside of your ATS, you have significant room for improvement in both efficiency and cost-savings.

A lack of integration creates the need for manual data transfer and maintenance of multiple systems, which not only increases the risk of errors but also hampers overall efficiency and impacts candidate experience. To address this issue and optimize your time-to-hire, integrating background checks seamlessly into your ATS is the ideal workflow. By doing so, you can consolidate all relevant candidate information in one centralized location, streamlining the entire process.

The Solution: ATS Integrations

What is the solution to the two-system problem? Choose a background check service that provides full ATS integrations. Integrating your ATS with your background screener allows you to further streamline your process and keep all your important hiring information in one place. Seeing resumes, candidate profiles, and background screening results in one system increases efficiency, minimizes errors, and reduces time to hire.

Accurate offers proven enterprise-level ATS integration solutions that fit seamlessly into your existing system. We have experience working with the industry’s leading hiring management solutions, including the following:

  • iCIMS
  • UKG
  • Workday
  • Fountain
  • Bullhorn
  • And others…

As a matter of fact, Accurate can integrate with any ATS, even one you’ve developed in-house. Our teams work diligently to ensure seamless integration with each and every system. The process includes the following:

  1. Getting to know you. Our partnership kicks off with lots of questions. We want to learn all about your business, your hiring process, and the kinds of background checks you need to run.
  2. Designing a solution. Our questions continue and get into the nitty-gritty details about system specs and requirements as well as exploring your current ATS and workflow.
  3. Customizing and configuring. No two processes are alike. Even clients who use the same hiring management solutions employ different processes. We make adjustments tailored to how you use the data and make decisions.
  4. Testing and training. Our experts work hard to make certain everything works the way it should and that everyone on your team knows how to use the system.
  5. Going live. We’re standing right alongside you as the system goes live.
  6. Continuing support. We’re standing by to answer all your questions and help you solve any problems.

Now you truly have all your hiring information in one, easy to access location.

The Advantages of ATS Integrated Background Checks

The benefits of integrating background checks with your ATS are significant and can be measured in real dollars and cents.

Reduce Time to Hire

It’s true: time is money. The time to toggle back and forth between two systems is negligible when you’re talking about a handful of applicants, but multiply that time by hundreds of applicants over the course of days, weeks, and months and you’re talking about burning precious time and money. Get all your info into one place and spend the time you save focused on making solid hiring decisions.

Save Money by Reducing Redundancies and Errors

Two systems require twice as much data entry for you and your applicants. One integrated system uses a single source for personal information, eliminating the need to re-enter the same information twice and reducing the potential for data entry errors.

Stay Compliant

Compliance in the realm of background checks and personal information is a huge issue. During the course of the hiring process, you come into contact with the candidate’s sensitive, personal information. Your company must follow stringent compliance laws to keep this information private and secure. An integrated approach keeps protected information in a single secure location and helps you more easily manage the many regulatory issues surrounding the gathering, using, and storing of personal information. Staying abreast of the most current regulations takes considerable time and expertise. An integrated ATS background check solution lets the experts—your background check providers—worry about all the compliance issues. You’ll always know that forms provided via the integrated system are up to date.

Create Value by Having a Better Hiring Experience

The job market is competitive and you need the best talent in your shop working for you. Creating a better onboarding experience for your candidates gives potential hires a good first impression of your organization. Smart, capable people appreciate a streamlined process that makes applying for a job simple and straightforward. The last thing you want is to force an exciting applicant to jump through multiple hoops or navigate a complex labyrinth of forms during their application and interview process. One spot to enter personal information, provide consent, and monitor their application progress creates a positive candidate experience.

The Right Partner: Accurate

Accurate is a win for HR managers and candidates alike. We provide outstanding domestic and international background checks at competitive rates. Our turnaround times are some of the best in the industry and we offer pricing packages suitable for small and large businesses as well as everything in between. On top of all that, our enterprise solutions make integrating background checks in an ATS easy.

Why struggle one more day with outdated, out of sync systems? When you work with a professional background check team that has close relationships to the major applicant tracking software providers and who offers their own background check integrations, you can create a smooth, seamless hiring experience for you and your candidates.

Contact the experts at Accurate today to get started.