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Small Businesses are Hiring, but is it a Smooth Candidate Experience?

Date Published: January 14, 2016 | Last Updated: September 15, 2023 | By Accurate Background

According to a recent piece in the Wall Street Journal, “Small businesses are hiring at a faster rate than their larger brethren after lagging behind for much of the economic recovery.” This is great news for the US economy, as small-to-medium businesses (SMBs) are critical to economic growth. In fact, the most recent job report from the NFIB indicated that 55 percent of SMBs are hiring or trying to hire.

However, filling these open positions is by no means an easy task. Many businesses report the inability to find qualified candidates. But with worker confidence increasing and more people willing to leave their job in favor of another, the skills gap may loosen up in terms of hiring. Marketwatch recently noted that “more quits are also a sign that the balance of power is tipping more toward workers: more jobs are likely available, and workers know it.”

With that in mind, small businesses will need to do even more to attract and retain top talent. The ability to provide a positive candidate experience will be increasingly important – from the initial interview to signing on the dotted line. For time and resource-strapped businesses, the background check can often be the most taxing. For starters, candidates are naturally leery of background checks; who wants to go through a background check? Secondly, the background check is a sophisticated process that can be riddled with potential process and compliance pitfalls. It is critical that companies pick a background check technology partner that can provide a robust set of services and expertise, while also having a smooth interface and candidate engagement process.

This week, Accurate Background launched AccurateNow, a new SMB solution geared to address both of these concerns. Designed specifically for small and medium-sized businesses, AccurateNow provides easy, automated, and cost-effective background check capabilities tailored to their unique requirements. The platform features include simple ordering, easy-to-read reports, and FCRA, State, and locally compliant results. As the entire process is automated and user-friendly, AccurateNow lessens the time it takes to process background checks, as well as the risk of manual mistakes that could lead to a poor candidate experience, or worse yet, put the company at risk for compliance infractions.

Furthermore, it’s backed by Accurate Background’s decades of industry knowledge and experience serving the background check needs of both emerging businesses and the Fortune 1000. The ability to hire the right candidates quickly is essential to the growth of SMBs. AccurateNow was designed to provide SMBs with easy and affordable access to the tools and knowledge they need to make smarter, faster hiring decisions.

For more information, visit AccurateNow.com. Happy Hiring!